
Jared Iannuccilli

Lead Pastor

Pastor Jared  is responsible for the carrying out of the vision and mission of Vivid Church.  Pastor Jared has a love for people and a purpose to see them live out the abundant, victorious life that Christ died for them to have and a passion for building the Kingdom of God to see the Name of Jesus lifted up above all.

Pastor Jared grew up serving in the church in various roles including as a Youth Pastor and Worship Pastor.  As a graduate of Indiana University with a background in business and marketing, Pastor Jared has a passion for communicating with and connecting people to things that shape and meet their values and needs. He describes being confused at first by his call to the ministry given his unshakable draw to marketing only to excitably explain the revelation from God that came after responding to this new direction that “I was ultimately being called to use my gifting and passion to connect people to the only true answer to the highest need and question of their life. It is now my life’s mission to help people know, grow in, and show Jesus.”

Robert Iannuccilli

Senior Associate Pastor

Pastor Robert is a gifted teacher and preacher, whose greatest concern is that everyone is impacted by the love of God and the message of His mercy and grace. He does a lot of diligence in the preparation and delivery of messages to ensure that it is always done in a way that those who have been around a long time can always receive new insight, while those who are brand new are not confused or left out in the slightest. As he explains, "I'm determined to be one that you won’t easily tire of hearing, because it's not the same old message, even when I preach the same text.”

Pastor Robert has a dramatic testimony of growing up with alcohol and drug addictions, but being radically and instantaneously delivered by God. Shortly after his encounter with God, he sensed the call to preach and attended the University of Valley Forge in Pennsylvania. It was during this time as a student that Pastor Robert became a real lover and student of the Bible. In fact, it’s one of the great testimonies of his life that the person who doesn’t like reading will rarely be found not reading on his own time.